Thursday, January 25, 2018

Week 2 Story: The story of Pumpkin and her Friend Sarah

Once upon a time there was the most adorable sweet Labrador stuck in a car on a summer day.

Golden Labrador Retriever hanging out in the back of a car: Flickr

Luckily a boy walked past the car in the parking lot and saw the poor dog suffering.

The Labrador scratched and barked at the window, begging for someone to let her out.

The boy couldn't resist the lab. He saw the hurt she was facing in the hot car and began to think of ways to get her out.

"Maybe I can find the owner!" "No, I'll bust the window open." he said.

About that time, the lab began to bark frantically, she was going into distress and needed out.

The boy panicked and busted the window open with his shoe. Glass flew everywhere, but he reached into the window, and unlocked the car.

The lab was overjoyed and jumped out of the car and tackled the boy, and she began to lick his face.

As the boy rubbed her ears and told her how good of a dog she was and that he was so glad she was safe, the lab showed her true self.

She whispered in his ear "You fool, I was suppose to stay in there, my master is going to kill me for escaping"

The boy gasped and was frozen in fear. "You can talk?!" he said

The lab responded, "Yes stupid, all dogs can talk, my names Pumpkin, now we have to escape before master sees that I'm gone"

The two of them began to run away from the car toward the near by park.

About that time, Pumpkin yelled out, "Sarah, help us, this boy broke into  my car and set me free. Master is going to be so mad."

Next, a small little squirrel appeared out of no where and stopped them from running. He yelled at the boy. "She wasn't barking frantically, she was just talking to you in the car. Telling you how great her day was and that she couldn't wait till her master got back"

The squirrel, Pumpkin, and the boy needed a plan.

Then Pumpkin came up with an idea. "I know how to solve all of this!"

She explained, "Boy, I'm gonna need you to do something for me, since you were stupid enough to rescue me."

The three of them went back to the car where he "rescued" pumpkin from.

Sarah and pumpkin told the boy to climb into the car, and sit where pumpkin had been. They then placed a sign over his neck.

At about this time, Pumpkin spotted her human. The two of them ran off as fast as they could. Pumpkin's master approached the car and read the sign around the boy's neck.

The sign read "I'm a silly human for trusting a squirrel and a Labrador, I helped pumpkin escape, you'll never find her"

Author's Note:

I modified the story Tricksters: Tiger, Brahman, and Jackal. My addition and the original were similar but different. I kept the story with the three main characters but put a spin on the original story. I used a Labrador retriever as the main character because let's be real, no one can resist a dog in distress. I included a young boy who was blinded by a dog in distress and was willing to do anything to help it. However, the lab and it's friend ended up deceiving the boy and tricked him into being "dog shammed". This is similar to the original in that the jackal was able to trick the tiger into getting back into the caged by confusing him. However, other than that, there aren't too many similarities between the two.

Tricksters: Tiger, Brahman, and Jackal: Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1912).


  1. Hi JJ!
    This story was too cute! Any stories about animals talking always make me happy. I love that you changed the original story to a person, a dog and a squirrel - this was a cool and different way to "change" the characters. It's true that no one can resist a dog in distress - especially one in a hot car! Good job rewriting the story to be your own!

  2. I loved this story! I like the idea of the plot twist at the very end, and the "tricks" that were being played throughout. This story was creative, funny, and I enjoyed the character of the dog, pumpkin. I also love the picture you included!

  3. HI JJ! I really like the premise of the story- taking it and placing into modern day context. The addition of the lab and the squirrel made me laugh. The tricks used by the animals to influence the man. And who can resist fluff, am I right? I enjoyed your dialogue and think that you could explore that more in the future.
