Friday, January 26, 2018

Tech Tip: Pinterest Board

Pintrest Lover 
Pintrest Board

I have always been someone who is a lover for Pintrest, so having the ability to create a board for this course was beneficial for me. While I have gotten most of my photos from google images, I have had a few from Pintrest. I now can put all of my photos and videos that I use for this course into my board. I'm definitely not a newbie when it comes to working Pintrest, so I look forward to adding images and videos to the board to help me in the course. Who knows, maybe I'll keep the board and continue to research mythology and folklore and add to it, especially since folklore artwork is so colorfully. Most of my boards on Pintrest are for my entertainment. I have lots of boards for different food recipes, ranging from gameday snacks, main dishes, and of course lots and lots of dessert ideas. Pintrest gives you the ability to look up anything you want and to find a link to it. You can look up clothes, food, decoration ideas, home ideas, and everything in between. Usually, when you think of Pintrest, it is associated with females, but men can also use the website if they wish. There is enough "manly" things for someone to look up. I also use pintrest to find work ideas, clothes ideas, and potential crafts I wish to make. Pintrest makes my life easy because I can find anything I want on it, and its entertaining to just scroll through and pin your ideas.

A meme of every one's life when it comes to Pintrest: Wordpress


  1. Hi Julianna! I love Pinterest as well! Making a board for this class is such a good idea so you have everything in one place! I definitely agree that Pinterest is just not for women. There are PLENTY of topics for men and in my opinion, everyone should have a pinterest! Such a great way to save things that you find interesting pertaining to any subject.

  2. Hi JJ! I also am a fan of pinterest, but I am not very good at making and organizing boards. I often find myself saving things I like to just random boards and not paying attention to where I saved it. I have found that pinterest is really helpful in motivating me to be healthy and workout. I also use it to find recipes and healthy food!

  3. I love using Pintrest for food recipes! This semester I've been making a conceited effort to cook a lot more (thank you slow cookers) and have utilized my mom's Pinterest boards and Tasty videos on Facebook like no other. That being said, I can never make my completed dishes quite as beautiful as the pictures on Pinterest... hopefully I can improve over time.
