Friday, January 26, 2018

Feedback Thoughts

14 Signs Your Perfectionism Has Gotten Out Of Control

Thumbnail of how perfectionist feel about their work:Zombiesmile

Wow! This article is totally me. I can relate to so much that was said about being a perfectionists. Especially the part of there's no reason to cry over split milk, you do anyway. This is so me. While it's hard to admit that I cry over the little things in life, it happens. Being a perfectionist, you sacrifice a lot to hope that everything is perfect, and with doing so, this leads to little breakdowns that later turn into big melt downs. It's something that just happens, crying over things can be healthy... in moderation. With a lot of the signs of being a perfectionist from this article, I believe that feedback is important for someone who does desire to have everything perfect. Criticism can initially be hard to accept, but once you hear what others have to say, it gives you a new perspective of your own work. I think that feedback for perfectionists is especially beneficial when it is coming from an unknown source. When feedback comes from someone you don't know, it can be easier to accept verses if it's a good friend giving you tips and changes. Also the article made a good point about perfectionist being procrastinators. I think this is very accurate because while someone wants to create something that is perfect, the initial start of creating it can be difficult, and with not having anything to start with you continue to push it back. Hoping that if you wait long enough all your thoughts will come to you at once. 

As writers of our blogs, it is easy to listen to the voices inside our heads. While we may think that something is our best work and others may agree with us, there is always that voice in our head telling us that it's bad and we should rethink what we wrote. This is the case in anything to be honest. The voice in our head always makes us second guess ourselves, in everything or anything. But,I agree with this article in it's four steps to improving how we think. It is important to look at the positives and to amplify them. Negatives can be beneficial, but always looking at the negatives can do more harm than good. So, it's important to know when to listen to the good that is being said about you and your work. It's also important to look for the positive, being able to recognize and know when something good is being said can be beneficial. If you have a more positive outlook you are more inclined to believe it whether it is true or not. This is important when it comes to feedback, because if an individual says something negative, it is usually followed by positive comments. Having a balance between good and bad comments can be important to a writer because it allows you to focus on more than just the negative thoughts, but to delight in the positive ones. 

Quote from Many Hale about how to look at life: Tinybuddha

1 comment:

  1. Julianna,
    I love your first picture. It is so funny and very relateable. The article about perfectionism is one that I read also because I feel it is very valid for me. I even commented that the section about spilt milk pertained to me the most too! I feel like we would get along haha. Anyway, I love all the points that you made in your post and I think they are all something we should keep in mind as we move forward in this course!
